Gospel Rescue Mission

Open 24 hours per day.

4550 S. Palo Verde Rd, Tucson, Arizona, 85714

(520) 740-1501

We’re conducting regular and frequent disinfecting of high-touch areas (including door knobs, surfaces, and countertops) at all locations.
Hand sanitizer is available throughout our centers.
Disinfecting wipes are available.
We’re reinforcing illness prevention procedures as recommended by the medical community, including frequent handwashing, avoiding touching one’s face, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
We’re instructing volunteers and employees who exhibit symptoms of illness to stay home and, when necessary, to seek professional medical care.
We’re encouraging our elderly volunteers and those at higher risk to stay home.
Our First Annual Easter Brunch, scheduled for April 10th, has been postponed. We’ll let you know when a new date is chosen.
Tours of our centers are suspended until further notice.
We’re taking the temperatures of all guests upon entry, and then twice daily. Those who have a fever will be given a mask and assigned to a room set aside for isolation.
For the time being, we are not accepting donations of fabric items, to include clothing, linen, and upholstered furniture.
Our guests are sheltering in place until further notice. This means that as long as they stay with us, except for employment, emergencies, or when specifically cleared, guests must remain on property.

MON 24 Hours
TUE 24 Hours
WED 24 Hours
THU 24 Hours
FRI 24 Hours
SAT 24 Hours
SUN 24 Hours

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