If you need help, please see the FAQs below. If you still need additional help not listed on this page, you can send us a message through our Contact Form.


Yes. Each submission will require approval before being published. Approval may take up to two business days.

Each business that is submitted is viewed and approved. The approval process may take up to two business days. Once the submission is approved, it will become available on the site.


To change your email, please go to your 'My Profile' page and click the 'Edit Profile' button in the 'Profile' area of the page. There you can change your email address.

To reset your password please go to your 'My Profile' page and click on the 'Reset Password' option in the 'Danger Zone' area of the page. After clicking the reset password option, a link will be sent to the email address you provided. Follow the instructions in the email by clicking on the 'Reset Password' button. You will be taken to a page to set up your new password.

When your account is removed, the email address that was tied to that account remains tied to that account. This means that in order to register for a new account, you would need to use a different email address from the original one.